We are very proud of our new website (which we launched in January of this year) so we decided to take a look back at what it looked like when we started out in 1997 and how it has evolved over the last 17 years. Anyone who owns or runs a website will know that you need to constantly keep your website looking fresh and up to date with the latest trends.

One of the main reasons we redeveloped our website this time was to accommodate the increase in mobile browsing. We saw over the last 4 years that mobile visits to our website have increased from about 1% of total visits in 2011 to over 15% in 2014. If you have a look at our website you will see it is fully responsive (sizes well) on the majority of devices and tablets.

If your website hasn’t gone responsive yet, maybe you should look at going that route. If you feel your website is in need of a refresh or you want it to look good on any device then let our awesome web design team take your online asset to the next level.



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