Being a ‘good host’ was definitely high up the list of what parents of middle class spoilt brats, like me, expected from their children. Apart from learning to place many more pieces of cutlery on a table than were required, I think the answer to being a good host was, and still is, to provide a decent and handy location for a group of people to share vaguely similar interests and to start a few conversations and make sure there are no uncomfortable silences. And for me, that location was usually around a dinner table. Now it’s around a computer.

A likely dinner conversation at that time might have been a quick riposte of this obscure new thing called the internet and how it would never work. But just like we did with the internet’s parents and grandparents, the radio, the telephone and the TV, we ranted in public at the impending collapse of society, and then we rushed home, gathered the family, drew our curtains as far as our wallets allowed, and we couldn’t get enough of it.

We all love it, we all rely on it, yet none of us have a bloody clue how it works and we don’t care just as long as it does. If it doesn’t, we freak out because the internet runs our lives and sometimes we get nasty (Listen to this customer we fired). If we could just understand the basics, life would be so much easier.

Consider this: much of what the internet has done is simply to move our preferred meeting location, our point of contact with other human beings,  from a dining room, a board room, a shop or any physical meeting place, to a non-physical one, a so-called virtual one which resides on a computer, often in the form of a website, which now might physically sit on your un-laid dining room table. Cutlery free, you can sit alone and start any conversation you want which will reach either invited guests (via email, instant messaging or private forums) or potential new unknown friends  (via a blog or website).


And now your 6-seater dinner table has hundreds of people keen to come to the party, but neither your venue (your computer) nor your local transport network (your internet connection) is going to cope and you will need to move to a bigger venue which people can reach more easily without having to go the extra Telkom mile, and is on a major public transport route.  That’s where I hope we, your ISP’s, come in.


‘Hosting’, in the old-fashioned sense of the word, still holds true for what we do. We provide online places where you and your extended group of friends can meet, and we carry you to and from the venues. Whether that’s by email, Facebook, forums or your spanking brand new website, we’ve probably played a part in matching you up. As hosts, we own a mega party venue, situated as close as can be to a major highway. The fact that your real office is in the arse-end of nowhere doesn’t matter, because our venue isn’t and we’ll make your visitors think you’re keeping up with the joneses. We do some lovely e-commerce glassware, SQL-studded napkins, an uncapped guest list, 24/7 concierge services and some spam filtering bouncers.

We host anything from lectures, parties, conferences, to sob stories, homeless kittens and plumbers from as little as R19 per month. That wouldn’t have bought me the ingredients for my consistently inedible baked onion starter back in the dinner era. As for that ad in the Yellow Pages, forget it!

Our beautiful internet. Early days.


  • Harvey Specter
    Posted at 00:05 November 7, 2013
    Joseph C Lawrence

    That irate customer sounds like Damon Kalvari from 5FM. Just saying.

  • Harvey Specter
    Posted at 16:19 November 7, 2013
    Marlon Arenz

    The irate client sounds like a right w@#r. Very well done to Ricardo the support consultant who handled him. Hats off to him and WA! Good to know that you fired the client!

  • Harvey Specter
    Posted at 09:29 November 9, 2013

    I found this article very sad. The photo of the family around the table disconnected while being connected and the 2 young kids being given such a distorted begining to learning about the world.

    Sadly the majority of people who read this post will ridicule me – it is only in time that the true harm of what we are doing to our kids will become apparent. To use TV as an example is really proving the point. It was the first step to breaking down interpersonal communication, family unity and free thinking. The internet is a great tool but it has aspects to it that are extremely unhealthy especially for children and yet we (as adults) blindly hand out access to our young children whos minds are in that delicate stage of developing – learning who they are and discovering the world and we are putting them in front of 2D passive devices.

    As adults we have forgotten what it was like to be new to the world – we have already developed our brains and basis for who we are – many of us without the Internet and slightly more of us without TV during our developing years. We have absolutely no reference to go on as parents as we are the first generation raising children in the digital world – yet we are arrogant enough to assume that exposing our kids to online media is benign.

    Very dissapointed that WA published this picture with the post.

  • Harvey Specter
    Posted at 11:33 November 11, 2013

    Cannot believe how arrogant and self-entitled that a-hole customer on the phone was!
    Unfortunately it’s an indictment on the kind of people we are raising as
    it’s certainly not the first time I’ve heard that sort of rant against
    anybody from waiters to shop assistants! I hope Ricardo disconnected his line there and then as well.

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